Our Beliefs


MCC Foundations: What We Believe


The Trinity

There is one God: infinite, eternal, almighty, and perfect in holiness, truth, and love, and expressed in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, co-existent, co-equal, co-eternal.

Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. Jesus was born of a virgin, died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, rose from the grave on Easter establishing our eternal life, is seated at the right hand of God in heaven, and will come again - a visible, personal and glorious return. He is head of the Church, His Body through which He is adored, loved, served, and obeyed, and is authority over all things.


The Bible is God’s inerrant Word and is the sole authority of faith and church life.


Salvation occurs at the moment the heart receives Jesus as personal Lord and Savior and is granted by grace alone, through faith alone, because of Christ alone, for the glory of God alone.

Church Membership

To be a member of Monticello Christian Church, one need only be a member of the Body of Christ!

Church membership entails acceptance of Jesus, public Confession of Faith, and baptism. The Confession of Faith is where the new believer/member proclaims Jesus before the congregation. Persons may transfer into the church without repeating baptism if they have been baptized previously.

Baptism and Communion

The two ordinances (sometimes called sacraments) of the church.

Baptism is an outward symbol of the inner change and the first step of Christian obedience and is conducted for persons of age to understand who Jesus is and can accept him as Savior. We practice Baptism by immersion.

Communion is celebrated every Sunday, and is open to all Christians, regardless of membership.

FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions)

If you have questions, we would love to hear from you!

  • The Bible, as God’s Word, is the sole authority for governance of the church.

    The Pastor(s) provide leadership over all areas of the church.

    The Elders are the spiritual shepherds of the church.

    The Deacons are the servant-leaders, who serve at the table for the offerings and Communion.

    The Deaconesses prepare the Communion emblems.

    The General Board is made up of representatives of the various groups in the congregation, and they

    make the business decisions of the church.

    There are also Functional Teams and Committees that are responsible for various areas of ministry (Christian Education, Worship, Missions, Property, etc.)

    Women are on an equal basis as men in the work of the church and in leadership.

  • MCC is non-denominational, which means we are not affiliated with any denomination, alliance, diocese, or other outside group.

  • The church is congregationally governed, and the church property belongs to the local church membership. 

    Pastors are chosen through a Search Task Force and congregational vote. The Congregation votes on all major decisions affecting the life of the church. 

  • To put it simply: “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity,”

    Our doctrinal, theological, and spiritual foundation is build upon the Word of God - the Holy Bible. And while there may be differing understandings about secondary issues across all Christians, our name -Monticello Christian Church - declares who we are: A local body of believers gathered in the name of Jesus Christ, who by grace through faith offers salvation from sin to all who place their faith and trust in Him alone! 

    Our church has core beliefs that are more fully spelled out in the section above labeled 'Beliefs".

  • That’s a great question, and completely understandable.

    The short answer is: No. All visitors, short-term or long-term attenders, and even members of MCC do not have to affirm every part of our statement of faith. The essential tenants of the Trinity, Scripture as God’s Word, and the exclusivity of Christ for salvation must be agreed to for somebody to be a member of any Christian church.

    Our pastor(s) affirm all of these doctrinal points, and it is the center of our church identity. But, if somebody disagrees with this or that point, but agrees to not be divisive about their disagreement, they are welcomed to take part in and even join Monticello Christian Church.